Tema de "Totoro"

De Hisaishi, el tema principal de "Mi vecino Totoro" (Miyazaki - "Totoro" y "Chihiro" son mis dos películas favoritas de estudio Ghibli). El tema aparece en varias partes de la película, a veces en climas calmos, a veces más enérgicos (como durante los títulos del final). En mi versión, trato de reflejar esas variaciones acentuando el ritmo en la repetición. Creo que quedó bastante bien.
From Hisaishi, the main theme from "My neighbour Totoro" (Miyazaki). In the movie, this music appears in several ocassions, sometimes with a gentle feeling, sometimes more energically (as in the ending credits). In my version, I changed a little the rythm in the repetition. Not bad.


  1. Hello Leonbloy, to start I would like commend you for this interpretation of Totoro and say that I am of your greatest fans and I follow you for some years , you're absolutely a fantastic guitarist, and it was a real pleasure for ours ears to heard you =) , I have already wrote you but you haven't answered ,=S I hope this time you'll answer me =) , I think that you haven't the time but I will be really honored if you could say me your opinion about this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGtGct4jo8Y
    It's me who play My Neighbour Totoro at the guitar , made with your sheet , I know I don't follow EXACTLY the rythm but I would like your opinion =) , to finish I say you this last few words, continue like this you're a fantastic musician =D

  2. Well, it's not easy to answer if you post anonymously, with no email (and from Youtube I've been exiled, you know); I must answer here, then. Thanks for the kind words. I enjoyed your playing, the rythm flows nicely. I think there's something wrong with the chords at 1:01 (and 1:17 and repetitions). You probably know that you're tecnnique is not very orthodox, specially the right hand positions. I suggest you to try the orthodox way (with classical guitar books, or better a teacher). Cheers.

  3. Thank you for your answer =) Thank you to have seen my video =) Yes I know that my technique isn't orthodox, and I had a teacher, but like I playing guitar since 3 years (approximately) and that I'm doing well like this, (the teacher' words) he haven't tried to learning me the good technique , but after I don't know if he had make the good choice , for the video , I see that you have noticed my weaknesses ^^ yes , I know I don't use the right cords , it's a bad habit that I have took =S , anyway really thank you, to have use of your times for me , and happy that you like my video =D

  4. Excelente. Gracias, Hernán!!! Y gracias también por poner a disposición la partitura. Mi hijo está aprendiendo y seguramente será un gran estímulo, ya que también le gusta Totoro. Un abrazo desde Baires
